The displays you use to advertise your business can say a lot about who you are and what your company stands for. You are going to want your displays to be eye catching and tell as much as possible about the products you are representing.
When prospective clients walk past your booth or business, they only take a few seconds to decide whether or not they are going to stop. You want to portray the right image, state a clear message, and get them to stop and see what you are offering. There are many options available that can help you do just that.
There is a vast array of display types on the market. Depending on what your budget is, since it will really dictate what you can buy. You need to find out exactly how much space you will have for your advertising. Since these advertisements can come in smaller forms, from tabletop to larger wall units, space will be an important factor for you to consider.
Touching on tabletop exhibits, these can be some of the more budget friendly choices you will have. You can use a tri-fold board, which is the most economical, or if budget allows, go with a larger pop up display. Any of these would be a great way to display a larger graphic and incorporate some spotlighting too.
If your budget and space allows for lager types of exhibits, you may opt to purchase a full sized panel. They are also available for tabletop, but you may get better usage from a full-size panel to display your products. They are primarily made out of fabric, and many companies offer eco-friendly materials too.
Panel displays are also another great place to display your graphics. They consist of a large space, and if used properly can get a clear message across to passers by. You can also opt to leave it as a blank canvas and use it as a clean background for your items to be displayed against.
Another option would be the ever-popular pop up displays. As mentioned earlier, you can purchase these in smaller formats, or you can go as large as twenty feet. If your business has a clear and concise message to get across to your potential clients, this may be your optimal way.
Maybe you have an organic company and can use a stock photo of a raging waterfall or peaceful meadow. Maybe your business is about items in the kitchen. Well, then maybe a stock photo graphic of a fully stocked chef’s kitchen would be a great backdrop to your newest item on the market. Whatever it is, using the right graphic on your panel or pop up display will be sure to attract the attention of any potential customer.
Another important consideration for the last minute touches on your displays would be the use of lighting. The right graphic can do wonders to your display, but without the proper lighting, your meaning may be completely lost.
Making sure that you have clean, bold images will also help convey your message. Whether it is the lighting of your booth at a trade show, or proper lighting in a show room, good lighting can highlight the product, idea, or business concept you are trying to sell.
Kaiser International is an established sign company that can help you brand your company with eyecatching displays and Display(s) .