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Advertising Search Firms

Advertising search firms are meant to look for deserving employees for several posts for different business organizations. Various agencies or such firms also take up specialized searches like that of advertising executive search firms. These firms search for and supply experienced and qualified personnel for the vacant post in an advertising agency. Advertising search firms are specifically meant for advertising agencies only.

Employees at search firm jobs are responsible for creating a huge database of all those applicants- aspiring employees or those who are already employed. These professionals or amateurs send in their resumes to the advertising search firms and the information regarding each of them is stored with the agency.

When there is a vacancy in one of the ad agencies, they approach the search firms and these firms supply them with the professional best suited for the empty post. This often helps the higher executives who wish to switch jobs to be in a position with better prospects.

Advertising search firm jobs need the employees themselves to be experienced in the field of advertisement. They are required to have a strong knowledge base of the suitability of qualifications for each post. These are required for those who make the decision of forwarding the selected CVs to the advertising companies. Those who are required to only fill in the database with the resumes that come in, categorize them according to the posts applied for etc. only require computer literacy as the basic criteria.

Search firm employment can be at three major levels- Business Development, Research and Recruiting. Researchers require the least degree of qualification and their work is not complicated. They do not need to shoulder direct responsibilities in selection of the suitable candidate. So their job is the least paid. Next is the job of the recruiters, who are paid well and finally the job of Business developers are the highest paid because they are responsible for the final decisions and development of the firm.

Working in advertising search firms can be tricky in the sense that selecting the right candidate is a huge responsibility and a mistake can tarnish the reputation of the firm. One has to have an experienced eye for the recruitment process since the performance of another ad agency would depend on the employee these firms send. Though the problem is not too imposing in case of lower post employees but in case of the Executive recruitment a visionary and highly creative leader with long years of experience would be sought and hard to find.

On the flip side, search firm employment guarantees handsome commission on each recruitment from the ad agencies. Working in advertising search firms also needs the employee to be creative and knowledgeable since the job may look easy but is quite challenging. Creating the correct type of data base and selection among these applicants for a certain post is the work of the employees. It is important to remember that the agencies which hire the services of these firms heavily rely on them for a correct recruitment.

Silas Reed, Writer for AdvertisingCrossing, writes articles that inform and teach about different advertising job profiles. Please visit http://www.advertisingcrossing.com/lcjobtypelisting.php and sign up for a FREE trial to gain access to ALL of the many exclusive job listings we offer in the advertising profession.

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