One of my favorite phrases I like to remind beginning online marketers is “Relentless Focused Action.” The phrase is self-explanatory for how to achieve success online. I have had many new clients who come to me saying they are “studying” Internet marketing before they begin. Often they have been “studying” for many months.
It is OK to study. Nothing is wrong with that; I do it all the time myself. However, in a short amount of time, once the beginner has a bit of knowledge under his or her belt, it is time to take action! Eight hours of time in the trenches actions doing the work instead of studying are worth far more than 2 weeks spent just thinking and planning.
I can’t emphasize enough how important taking action is! Not only is action the only way to reach success, it is the best way to learn! Reading about something is fine, but doing is the real teacher. For example, I took a LOT of education classes in college which were supposed to teach me how to teach. But in reality, I learned more about teaching in the first week on the job than all the classes I took put together. This is usually true for almost every occupation.
Likewise, all the newsletters, tutorials, and videos you watch are worth far less than the time you spend in taking action. Sure, the action could be in the wrong direction. But it is always an important learning experience. Remember that changing direction while moving is far easier than changing direction when standing still.
Another problem many beginners have is that, although they understand action is important, they underestimate how much action is required. For example, article marketing is a tried and proven method for building back links and driving traffic. A beginner may understand this and then begin writing 3 or 4 articles a month. In reality, this will do little good. Those who are successful with article marketing generate that many articles per day…not per month.
The same goes for any area of marketing; focused and massive action will work! Hit and miss marketing is a waste of time.
One of my favorite phrases I like to remind beginning online marketers is “Relentless Focused Action.” The phrase is self-explanatory for how to achieve success online. I have had many new clients who come to me saying they are “studying” Internet marketing before they begin. Often they have been “studying” for many months.
It is OK to study. Nothing is wrong with that; I do it all the time myself. However, in a short amount of time, once the beginner has a bit of knowledge under his or her belt, it is time to take action! Eight hours of time in the trenches actions doing the work instead of studying are worth far more than 2 weeks spent just thinking and planning.
I can’t emphasize enough how important taking action is! Not only is action the only way to reach success, it is the best way to learn! Reading about something is fine, but doing is the real teacher. For example, I took a LOT of education classes in college which were supposed to teach me how to teach. But in reality, I learned more about teaching in the first week on the job than all the classes I took put together. This is usually true for almost every occupation.
Likewise, all the newsletters, tutorials, and videos you watch are worth far less than the time you spend in taking action. Sure, the action could be in the wrong direction. But it is always an important learning experience. Remember that changing direction while moving is far easier than changing direction when standing still.
Another problem many beginners have is that, although they understand action is important, they underestimate how much action is required. For example, article marketing is a tried and proven method for building back links and driving traffic. A beginner may understand this and then begin writing 3 or 4 articles a month. In reality, this will do little good. Those who are successful with article marketing generate that many articles per day…not per month.
The same goes for any area of marketing; focused and massive action will work! Hit and miss marketing is a waste of time.
Steve Weber is a certified teacher from Oklahoma who left his education career in 2007 as his online businesses grew. He now spends his time consulting with and teaching new Internet marketers how to succeed online. His website, Steve’s Classroom, contains a wide variety of videos and tutorials for building a successful home business.